产品参数 咨詢客服 了解更多型號 型號 | 破碎室口徑 (mm) | 電機功率 (kw) | 外形尺寸 (mm) |
PF180B-1 | 190*165 | 2.2 | 650*530*980 | PF230B-1 | 210*235 | 4 | 750*610*1200 | PF300B-1 | 310*245 | 5.5 | 900*760*1200 | PF400B-1 | 410*260 | 7.5 | 950*860*1300 | PF500B-1 | 510*285 | 11 | 1110*970*1450 | PF600B-1 | 610*285 | 15 | 1110*1070*1450 |
應用範圍 用途廣泛廣泛應用於薄膜/一次性餐盒/乳膠枕/矽膠/農用地膜/布/機密文件/屏幕保護套/包等。 
產品優勢 FOCUS ON FILM CRUSHING BLADESThe steel imported from Japan is processed into a one-piece knife. One-piece tool holder, sharp cutting, no accumulation, no winding, no card machine, fast crushing of thin and light materials.
FOCUS ON FILM CRUSHER BODY DESIGNFuselage and tool holder golden ratio design, specially for soft/thin/sheet/line grinding manufacturing, blanking track and blade cutting track highly fit, no accumulation and no stuck machine, high crushing efficiency.
NO BLOCKING, NO CARD MATERIALThe larger the diameter of the crushing chamber, the larger the size of the material that can be passed, the lower the failure rate such as the occurrence of card machine, the higher the crushing efficiency, the larger the output, and the average life of up to 15 years. THE REINFORCED SCREEN FRAME IS NOT DEFORMED, AND THE SCREEN HOLES CAN BE CUSTOMIZEDLonghe depth seamless welding, point to surface reinforcement, the thicker the material, the greater the supporting force, the screen is not easy to deformation; The screen can be designed according to the material type and control the discharge specification.